Monday, 15 May 2017

FAQ: How to Change SA Password?

Do you all know AutoCount is using SQL Server as their database server?

SA Password is SQL default password. If you are using your own SA password, and forgot the SA password, you will be unable to detach/Attach Account book, you need to reset the SA Password in order to attach/detach Account Book. After resetting SA password, you need to re-attach all account books at every pc.

If you are using AutoCount Default Sa Password, then you no need to worry about it.

To reset SA Password, open SQL Management studio and login using the authentication mode: “Windows Authentication”.

Go to Security--> Login -->sa-->right click Properties

Type new SA password in password & confirm password box and press OK.

Another option is using sql query to update the sa password.
Please do a backup of database before changing anything!  As this part requires some IT knowledge, please consult with your software dealer for any changes.


Thursday, 4 May 2017

Standard Selling Price 2

Do you all know what is the use of Standard Selling Price 2? it will be used at Cash Sales or POS as they want different price other than Standard Selling Price.

To apply this option , go to Tools--> Options-->Invoicing-->Cash Sales-->tick "Use Standard Selling Price 2"

After applying this option, Standard Selling Price 2 will be taken rather than Standard Selling Price.


Friday, 21 April 2017

FAQ: Can I have more than 1 Currency Code for 1 Debtor?

Many users have been doubt about this, can I have more than 1 currency for debtor. As sometimes, transactions are being traded in different currency such as USD or SGD. However, this is rarely happen. As such circumstance, AutoCount just allow 1 default currency for every debtor.

For example, Debtor currency is MYR, but trading is carried out using SGD.

-In Sales Invoice, you need to manual convert the SGD currency and use MYR to trade. System will default MYR for you. You cannot choose any currency.
- However, you can choose different currency in AR Payment

Thursday, 13 April 2017

FAQ: Where can I check the quantity in-out of non stock control Item?

In AutoCount, when there is an in out of non stock control item in sales/purchase transactions, we cannot trace the item in Stock Card or Stock Balance Report. We doesn't know how many qty in out actually.

However, there is some ways to keep track the in out if these non stock control items.

1.) Monthly Sales Analysis/Monthly Purchase Analysis
2.) Print Invoice Detail Listing/ Print Purchase Invoice Detail Listing
3.) Multi Dimensional Sales Analysis (Extra Module)

These report may provide some useful & analytical information to you.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

FAQ: Why I couldn't find Debtor when creating Invoice?

There are 2 possibilities:

1) You are using module "Filter By Salesman" and with the setting Document Control By Agent --> Apply Filter by Agent in Lookup Editor  (at Tools > Options > General > Application Setting)
This setting in used for control the sales or purchase agent to access other agent's customer. Meaning to say that agents only can access their own customers.

2) Debtor is set to Inactive. You may double check the setting at Debtor Maintenance.

There may some other possibilities:

1) Probably you have deleted the Debtor in Debtor Maintenance.

2) Debtor Account have been created as Normal Account under Account Maintenance.

3) Debtor Account not yet created

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Account Type Maintenance

 Do you Know how to create all these Account Type in Account Maintenance? Some of you may face problem when want to create new Account Type but don't know where to maintain it.

First, go to General Maintenance--> Account Type Maintenance

Note: This feature is only applicable on Accounting Basic & above version

Press New, and you may create new Account Type from here


After that, you can see the new Account Type at Account Maintenance. You can start to drag account or create account under this Account Type.

Monday, 27 March 2017

FAQ: If there possible to use AutoCount at home since the server is at office?

Yes. You may use AutoCount at anywhere outside of office. However you need to have Appanywhere remote software that provide remote access. Appanywhere  is a remote software that enable multiple remote session in any location. Or if you have own VPN, then Auto Count can be configured and you can login easily regardless where you are. For further inquiries, you may contact your dealer.

Appanywhere Malaysia